Friday, November 23, 2007

Its the Class Not the Person

during the amazing race asia last night, i called home. my nephew picked up the call and told me that her mum said 'weeekkksss'. apparently they're watching it too and they were surprised upon seeing my favourite instructor. my sis said she was in shock, my brother in-law's eyes almost came out of the socket while my youngest sis could only laughed 'cos she has attended his class once. hello, i gotta make an explanation that i like his class not him! come on, i don't think i'm that nuts eh. but the fact is he does conduct a great class, reaching out to each and everyone in it. me and few gym buddies used to move from branch to branch simply to attend his class.
but that was then. i couldn't even remember when was the last time i attended his class. all i remembered was him asking me if i was busy at work, hence the absence. hahahaha, not busy but lazy. well lets see if i can make it this monday.
anyway .. i still root for him this season.


juwi said...

Iya Bab, iya, kelasnya, kok, percaya gue, hehehehe...
Jadi pengen nonton Amazing Race Asia. Ada Youtubenya nggak, ya, hehehehe..gambar gerak kan biasanya lebih representatif :P.

Simply Baby said...

adalah kalau dicari
tp jangan2 ntar pendapat elu berubah begitu liat gambar geraknya hehe :P
heboh banget gak sih gue ck ck ck