Monday, June 30, 2008

Moving On

during the weekend i've came out with a decision not to dwell about it any longer. i asked God's help in making me a little bit cold hearted so i can be stronger. i ended up feeling better, accepting things as the way it is and move on. it's a done deal anyway, nothing can change it, not even my disappointment.
today is a brand new day. brand new opportunities, brand new challenge. i started the day with my normal routine, chit chatting included. how's your weekend? how's your kids? yada yada yada. and the words that came out of one friend's lips kinda made me feel much better. apparently it's no longer 2 but 3 person that shares the same unhappinnes i'm feeling. this is a big deal for me as it proofs what i'm feeling is normal. i listened to everything they said and silently agreed with every single words. but deep down i feel lighter, happier. i am not alone.
thank you guys, you've made my day....

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