Monday, April 21, 2008

One More Down

  1. lose weight
  2. learn to cycle cycle regularly
  3. mt. kinabalu
  4. run more than once a week; increase the distance
  5. swim regularly
  6. attend religious class regularly
  7. learn to rollerblade
  8. ENP
  9. POWDC
  10. WT
  11. SCWHM
  12. NT
  13. learn salsa (finally after planning on doing it in 2006)
i hope i'll get more motivated now that i've revealed what's no. 1, 4, 5 and 6 on my to-do list. i'm keeping details of no. 8 -12 just for the sake of my own excitement. for now, i'm giving myself a big pat on the back for striking no. 3 off my to-do list of 2008. yessss!! 5 falls and whole bodyaches, but it's definitely worth it!
going to blog my4D3N trip later as i need to do my house chores before heading to a friend's surprise birthday dinner now. man, my whole body's aching!!

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