Monday, April 28, 2008

I Just Knew

i know for sure that i'm going to fail the exam. i have a choice to reschedule it to the next period - which is in june - or just take it, fail and retake it in june. i chose the 2nd option. why? because if i simply reschedule it i know the same thing will happen again. if i take it and fail it'll be a slap to my face and i'll take it more seriously considering i have to spend more money on this. i sound like a failure. man, i feel like one now. but i still have 2 more days, well 1 day to be precise and i'll try to make the best of it.
on a happier note - just came back from our dance school's event. after spending the whole day at home, supposedly to study i think i deserve few hours of break, eh **. we spent most of the time sitting down, observing others dancing knowing that you will never ever get to that stage. oh, we did join the group line dancing actually, though we ended up laughing more than following the others. and that oz pole dancer ... awesome!


Anonymous said...

kalo diundur, nggak ilang duit?
PD aja kali...kan udah belajar ini

Simply Baby said...

kalau diundur gak ilang ...
gue kan sempet undur dari jan ke april ..

iya pede aja..
toh udah pede gagal ini :P

juni entar dah mesti bener2 serius!