Saturday, September 15, 2007


hey, i know it's fasting month and you're breaking fast with your families. but could you join us afterwards? we're not heading anywhere, just chilling out with cakes and board games. you've already missed last week, eh.

with that kinda statement, can i say no?

so after breaking fast with 40!! relatives (a lot of people were rejected due to lack of space thanks to us), basically a token of appreciation from the groom's mom for those who helped make the wedding a smooth one, i went home and did all my stuff.
left home at 9ish for a lovely time.
jenga. cakes. 'whiz boing bounce bang'.'fuzzy duck ducky fuzz'.'the word game'. and all sorts of silly uni games i know nuts about. loser eats the cake. memories of wedding in mykano island. maldives for honeymoon. stories. gossiph. experience. laughs. another round of 'whiz boing bounce bang tango' now that we're better at it the rule increased.

thanks for a lovely start for my weekend.

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