Friday, September 21, 2007

A Million Thanks

thanks for listening about my failed attempt in the loo.
thanks for reading whatever i wrote on msn, for the whys and for letting me share my thoughts and feelings.
thanks for reading and replying my email. the thought of you reading it as soon as i pressed the 'send' button instantly made me feel lighter.

thanks for the ears. for the eyes. for the fingers. for being a friend.
it's just wonderful to know some of you guys can be counted on, to have the feelings reciprocated.
and of course thanks mum for being at home when i called. listening to your voice does wonders as always.

i am back in high spirit now from all the comments i received from msn and emails, and the best one will be:
aiyooooo you and your imagination, why don’t you start picturing the window cleaning guys brushing/washing window, with 6 packs, having a cold icy diet coke
you guys are simply the best!! *muacks*

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