Saturday, September 15, 2007

Worst Movie Ever Made

the official worst movie i ever watch :- belahan jiwa.
no story line. eerie background sound for nothing. trying to mix all in one. bahasa-english-mandarin. can't say low budget as they use expensive actors but idea wise is definitely taken from the gutter. and the reason i continue watching is simply because i want to know how the ending is.
si jampang pakai cutbrai, si abang sudah goodbye.

updated at 10.20 pm:
apparently some comment said the story is almost similar to sidney sheldon's book. if it is meant to be what the comments said, then it is good. too bad part 10 is missing, so i am still left confused. let me have my own scenario for the ending.


juwi said...

Buku Shidney Sheldon yang mana, Bab? Trus, kok karena begitu jadi bagus?

Simply Baby said...

judulnya lupa, ttg multiple personality gitu.
komentar di episode 9 mah pada bilang filmya thriller bagus etc.
tp masih membingungkan buat gue :)
cuman sedikit lebih jelas doang!
haha - nonton dah, trus kita bahas lagi :P