Saturday, February 04, 2006

my colleague asked me why I couldn't control myself like I did before, wasn't it wasted all my hardwork gone just like that. She said she used to see me at the gym all the time but not anymore.
I smiled and share the block of chocolate I was eating with the rest of them. I guess Im the only one who haven't feel wasted. I actually did but I always delayed the process of getting back in shape. I actually couldn't imagine how I could do it before .. from 56 t0 42 and now Im 52. Even today I have no mood to go to the gym when my favourite instructor is actually doing the class!! haiz ...


juwi said...

Bab, ada satu postingan yang elu apus, ya? Kemaren kayaknya bukan ini yang terbaru? Ada mengenai ponakan seseorang nelpon elu gitu.

BTW, psst..masih blom pasti sih, tapi si BQ kemungkinan mo dikirim training ke SG.

Simply Baby said...

iya abis gak bisa keliatan pas di edit, pas gue submit yg baru eh malah ilang .. ya wis lah, ntar g resubmit pas lunch time..

asik asik - kapan nih si bq