Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Revisiting the goal

It's almost the end of Q1 2016, let's revisit my 2016 goal and see how far (or behind) I am ...
  1. Lose weight
    As of this morning, I am 65.8!
    still a long way to go, but Yay .. 5 kgs down! 15kgs to go
  2. Running
    I've done one last week :\ and hopefully I can wake up early to do another one tomorrow morning.
    Need to work this out!!
  3. Savings
    So far not bad; although not as what I want but at least I'm still there - few unexpected expenses but it's all for good stuff.
  4. Reading
    Damn you, korean drama!! okay need to work on this.
  5. Travelling
    Apart from the year-end expensive trip, I've made another unplanned and pretty expensive holiday and one short trip! but that's it - no more travelling in between. Maybe when the parents are in town, but let's see. For sure no more for myself!
  6. Parents
    I spent a lot of time with the parents this year - dad being hospitalized also opened my eyes that I have to focus on them both! not just mum. I've also decided to go home every month. Okay, this is not travelling, this is daughter's duty! They're not getting younger so I aim to treasure and love and make them happy as much as I could
  7. Computer
    I mentioned that this will be my Q2 target. Well, scratch that! I will make do with the computer I have now. I've spent the budget for my travelling so let's be patient.
my short term goal - lose another 5kgs by April!
Yes I know I can do it!

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