Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Be Patience

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones ....                      - william faulkner

So I had a chat with my line manager last week, nothing firm came out of it. In fact it kinda defeated the purpose of my requesting for the chat. I wanted to say 'I want ownership on some project' but I put it out mildly and he ended up talking about technical stuff!
I wanted to follow up today, sending him email to say about ownership on reporting dashboard but halfway through composing, a dear ex-colleague texted asking me out for coffee. So met them and shared my plan. To which he said 'lay low for awhile, learn the situation and learn everything before rising up'. The company isn't doing well. The world isn't doing well and don't get caught up and ended up being in a situation you can't get out.
Good advice. So I went back to my desk and deleted that email.

Let me spend the next few months learning from the others. Let me spend the next few months displaying my worth. If there is a goal chat, talk about it .. if not, wait for mid-year review and bring it up again. 

Be patience for now; learn and move up ...

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