lulu would sit on the book i was reading. sometimes i had to race against them to reach my room and closed the door before they managed to enter. of course i'd ended up studying with my hands pressing against my ears, trying to ignore the cry outside. same thing happened if i want to eat bakso peacefully. boy i miss those days..
this particular cat reminds me of xena, though.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Boiling Points
i'm so in the 'don't mess with me' mood today and i don't know why. on my way back from the hospital during lunch break, i tapped the shoulder of the lady standing on the right side of the escalator after my 'excuse me' was being ignored. it's not unusual for me to do that but this time around after she gave me way i looked at her and said 'please stand on the left if you don't want to walk up'. in defence i told myself i was that bitchy because it's almost 1.30 and i haven't had my lunch yet.
back at the office i was faced with another annoying thing. a work that is supposed to be done by 3 of us suddenly became my own responsibility. when i asked to share the task the answer i got was 'i am not a technical person'. i was very annoyed that my answer was 'okay, i'll get it done. but once it's up i am not going to test and understand the business process' to which she just kept silence. hello, aren't we all in the same department and just because i've been dealing with the IT guys most of the time doesn't mean I have to be the one who's always demanding things from IT. sometimes people take other people's help and kindness for granted.
combat will come handy on time like this. i can't wait for 6.30 'cos i know who to picture when i do my jab and cross.
back at the office i was faced with another annoying thing. a work that is supposed to be done by 3 of us suddenly became my own responsibility. when i asked to share the task the answer i got was 'i am not a technical person'. i was very annoyed that my answer was 'okay, i'll get it done. but once it's up i am not going to test and understand the business process' to which she just kept silence. hello, aren't we all in the same department and just because i've been dealing with the IT guys most of the time doesn't mean I have to be the one who's always demanding things from IT. sometimes people take other people's help and kindness for granted.
combat will come handy on time like this. i can't wait for 6.30 'cos i know who to picture when i do my jab and cross.
Monday, May 28, 2007
My Verdict
it is more than once i've been asked about the mee rebus whenever i told someone i live in bedok. 'i heard there's a nice mee rebus there', 'have you try the famous mee rebus there?', 'is it really nice?' were few responses i got if i say i live in bedok. i'm not a mee rebus fans whatsoever but i am a food lover and i'm always out hunting for good food, of course only limited to those foods that i'm allowed to eat. so yesterday i made an effort under the blazing sun to walk and get my lunch from this stall.
my comment? hmm, let's see ..
the sauce is not as thick as i thought it should be, lots of chunky peanuts in it which makes it a little bit interesting. taste wise? it's okay i guess. i still prefer the mee rebus from the arcade though as it tastes richer.
well, at least now i have an answer whenever people ask me about the 'infamous mee rebus in bedok'
my comment? hmm, let's see ..
the sauce is not as thick as i thought it should be, lots of chunky peanuts in it which makes it a little bit interesting. taste wise? it's okay i guess. i still prefer the mee rebus from the arcade though as it tastes richer.
well, at least now i have an answer whenever people ask me about the 'infamous mee rebus in bedok'
Friday, May 25, 2007
(not) A Tornado
boss called me in. standing next to her waiting for her to open up whatever she wanted to show me i started looking around, as usual. looking for what's new in her room. looking at the view outside. anything just to occupy my time. but today i was amazed with what i saw outside. even when my boss started talking, i still looked outside instead of listening to her. look at what i saw, the water underneath are making a nice circling movement. simply beautiful. God is great indeed

Thursday Night In
i was a bit skeptical when i first saw the advertisement of this show. nah, must be another oprah, i thought. but after watching the 1st episode last week i decided to continue watching it. and yesterday's topic really hits home. i love the idea of talking about the things that is so close to heart so close to home, unlike oprah who features either celebrities or some dramatic issue. not that i'm against oprah or whatever. on the contrary, i actually like watching oprah. hopefully it will continue being a good show. can't wait to find out what will the next topic be.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Let It Be
if you love somebody let it free. if it comes back to you, then it is yours..
or something like that. but its true. at least for me. and it applies to not only human, but also things, hobbies, etc. again - at least for me.
i've been feeling like i seem to be losing something that i treasure for the past 1.5 years. i kept this feeling solely to myself and only shared snippets of it to a few people around me. they all came with the same conclusion, life goes on for some though some others might be stucked in the same situation.
so i decided not to think too much. after all i am used to living without this and not thinking too much of it makes me feel lighter as well. in other words - let it go. like they said, if its meant to be it will be back for you to treasure.
guess what - it does..
or something like that. but its true. at least for me. and it applies to not only human, but also things, hobbies, etc. again - at least for me.
i've been feeling like i seem to be losing something that i treasure for the past 1.5 years. i kept this feeling solely to myself and only shared snippets of it to a few people around me. they all came with the same conclusion, life goes on for some though some others might be stucked in the same situation.
so i decided not to think too much. after all i am used to living without this and not thinking too much of it makes me feel lighter as well. in other words - let it go. like they said, if its meant to be it will be back for you to treasure.
guess what - it does..
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
(Late) Lunch Talk
it's launch week and so far i like the launches. went to orchard for combat launch, and raffles for the other - i missed pump launch though. my body was still aching from monday's pump and since i'm doing pump today, nah i'd better take time off and go home after combat yesterday. the new combat release was fun, compared to 31 i like 32 better. more and more capoeira is incorporated in it, ginga ginga. haha the class was in such a mess when we have to do ginga, jump side-kick, ginga, front-kick, 2 gingas. but it was fun!!
anyways, just came back from balance launch. while taking a matt, someone tapped my shoulder and i was surprise to see what i saw. not the person but the size of that person now. my ex-PT who shrinks like hell. geez, all her hard work really paid off. seems like all her fats are transferred to me. we talked before the class started though i was still amazed with her transformation. and to be honest, it inspires me. like she said i started good but ended up in a mess because of my own doing. okay, i admit that. but i've made a promise to start good again. i just hope i can keep that promise. nope, wrong .. i must keep that promise. she also told me that she's heading back to thailand probably around the end of the year and asked me to tag along. hmm, worth considering..
bit of a side track: i want my cutlet chicken rice!! because of hurrying for the launch i brought the wrong key hence i had to ask the staff to cut my padlock. it took time and we left the gym at 2.15ish - too late to detour for chicken rice, i simply bought myself an olive-mushroom bread and went back to office. 2.30 and once we started working my boss came back from her lunch. if only i know!!!
anyways, just came back from balance launch. while taking a matt, someone tapped my shoulder and i was surprise to see what i saw. not the person but the size of that person now. my ex-PT who shrinks like hell. geez, all her hard work really paid off. seems like all her fats are transferred to me. we talked before the class started though i was still amazed with her transformation. and to be honest, it inspires me. like she said i started good but ended up in a mess because of my own doing. okay, i admit that. but i've made a promise to start good again. i just hope i can keep that promise. nope, wrong .. i must keep that promise. she also told me that she's heading back to thailand probably around the end of the year and asked me to tag along. hmm, worth considering..
bit of a side track: i want my cutlet chicken rice!! because of hurrying for the launch i brought the wrong key hence i had to ask the staff to cut my padlock. it took time and we left the gym at 2.15ish - too late to detour for chicken rice, i simply bought myself an olive-mushroom bread and went back to office. 2.30 and once we started working my boss came back from her lunch. if only i know!!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Perfect Friday
went for breakfast with the girls. came to work at 9 am. start working for a while before chitchatting with my boss and the rest. left the office at 11.30 am for departmental lunch. great place, great view, nice food, splendid white chocolate mousse. spent almost 3 hours there talking mostly about economical issue, in which the conversation get hot when few shared their financial issue. good-bad-funny experiences when it comes to money between husband and wife, eh. i am so with my boss' way of thinking when it comes to this. went back to office to do bit of work. waiting for the fire drill exercise that'll start any moment now after which we'll definitely have no mood to work. even one workmate of mine is going home during the exercise. going to end my day listening to some classical music. perfecto ...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Happy Anniversary..

8 years passed by just like that. the initial plan was to work for 2 years, further my study then think of what's next. ended up with furthering my study here, still working in the same company - well okay, 2 different company theoretically, still staying at the same place though in a different room, and co-incidentally weighing the same weight.
i remember my first day at the office. i remember the clothes that i wore. the shoes and bag that i used. my 1st lunch break. my first encounter with the tea lady. dang, i even remember what my boss wore on that day. i remember receiving my 1st payslip, very embarassing that even the HR people laughed at me after i told them what i did with that payslip. boy, i still tell this story when someone is down with embarassment. what a memory ....
for how much longer will i stay here? will i stay here for good? will i go home? will i move somewhere else before going back home? will i move somewhere else for good? only God knows the answer. for now, i just want to treasure every second of my life, noticing all those small things that comes along the way, making each step meningful one, and hopefully leaving a good trail behind.
ps. today is jordan's birthday too .. kekeke.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007
Borhat Ma Hamu*, Medan ...
i'm a bit gutted. today i make the decision to cancel my medan trip. first and foremost it is during our year-end period. it won't be a big issue, honestly speaking. but it will be our 1st year end with the new system and it is better if everyone is around in case something comes up, so we were told. well i'll just look at the bright side then. the planned trip :- singapore, medan, jakarta, singapore turns out to be quite costly. so with this trip cancelled i don't have to search high and low for the cheapest way there. guess i'll see lake toba and brastagi some other time, probably with another group of friends as well ;)
*borhat ma hamu = something like good-bye, thanks to juwi :D
*borhat ma hamu = something like good-bye, thanks to juwi :D
A Dream By The Park

Friday, May 11, 2007
Pray For Me ...
just called home and had a chat with mom. i then asked about my nephew who's apparently doing his prayer. mom said that nowadays he doesn't need to be reminded of doing the prayer, especially when it's raining or windy. too much watching news made him thought that windy and heavy rain might lead to tsunami, and he better do his prayer right away, lol. once he's done, i talked to him asking what he asked from God now (few years back when i asked him the same question, his answer was 'i asked for toys'). this time around his answer was, 'i asked Allah to take care of nana idris and nana mamat, so they are safe'. woaa.. i couldn't said anything but laughed listening to his explanation. a 5 years old boy remembers to include his late grand uncles in his prayer. really makes me proud to be called her aunt. i then asked him to include me in his prayer and his answer was, 'later when you pass away, i also ask Allah to protect you'. speechless ..
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Beware Your Surroundings
during dinner last night :-
wj: mau makan apa luh? mahal mahal booo
me: gak tau nih
waiter(w): would you like to get a beer first?
wj&me: no!!
me: padahal orang kesini emang buat birnya ya, hehe
w: okay, so maybe i could get the drinks for you first?
wj: ice tea for me
me: light pepsi please
*signaling the waiter to come again
wj: can i have a fish&chips, please .. kids meal
me: curang luh, masa' kids meal .. lupakan diet lah
wj: lu gak liat harganya! 1/3 lebih murah bo, gue kan lagi pengetatan
me: dasar luh .. can i have a quesadilla please
w: so it's that all?
wj&me: yes .. thanks
*food arrived, eating and chit chatting, waiting for the the birthday girl & her crew
w: do you want to get another glass of pepsi, miss?
me: no thanks i'm fine
w: okay, because it's a free flow
me: no, its okay
*waiter standing around us
me: gue pikir bayar, ogah gue kalau bayar $7 lagi cuman buat ini padahal entar juga bakalan minum lagi kan
wj: hehe, iya sih. mana entar pasti bayar kita karena bukan alkohol minumnya
me: rugi bandar emang kita, tapi ya udah lah ...
*chm and the rest arrived, ordered dinner, spent time chit chatting
*signalling the waiter
me: now i think i want to have another glass of pepsi *smiling
w: sure, like i said you can refill as many times as you want
me: thanks
*waiter came with a glass of pepsi
me: thanks
w: by the way, are you two indonesians?
wj&me: yes
w: saya juga orang indonesia nih
wj&me: oh ya?
*chit chated awhile and then the waiter left
we can only looked at each other and laughed - imagined all the conversations we had about the food, about the people around us, about the cute caucasian who was of course with his 'monkey', even about this particular waiter, about budget constraint, about being a cheapskate .. all along he was there, understanding each and every word we said!!
wj: mau makan apa luh? mahal mahal booo
me: gak tau nih
waiter(w): would you like to get a beer first?
wj&me: no!!
me: padahal orang kesini emang buat birnya ya, hehe
w: okay, so maybe i could get the drinks for you first?
wj: ice tea for me
me: light pepsi please
*signaling the waiter to come again
wj: can i have a fish&chips, please .. kids meal
me: curang luh, masa' kids meal .. lupakan diet lah
wj: lu gak liat harganya! 1/3 lebih murah bo, gue kan lagi pengetatan
me: dasar luh .. can i have a quesadilla please
w: so it's that all?
wj&me: yes .. thanks
*food arrived, eating and chit chatting, waiting for the the birthday girl & her crew
w: do you want to get another glass of pepsi, miss?
me: no thanks i'm fine
w: okay, because it's a free flow
me: no, its okay
*waiter standing around us
me: gue pikir bayar, ogah gue kalau bayar $7 lagi cuman buat ini padahal entar juga bakalan minum lagi kan
wj: hehe, iya sih. mana entar pasti bayar kita karena bukan alkohol minumnya
me: rugi bandar emang kita, tapi ya udah lah ...
*chm and the rest arrived, ordered dinner, spent time chit chatting
*signalling the waiter
me: now i think i want to have another glass of pepsi *smiling
w: sure, like i said you can refill as many times as you want
me: thanks
*waiter came with a glass of pepsi
me: thanks
w: by the way, are you two indonesians?
wj&me: yes
w: saya juga orang indonesia nih
wj&me: oh ya?
*chit chated awhile and then the waiter left
we can only looked at each other and laughed - imagined all the conversations we had about the food, about the people around us, about the cute caucasian who was of course with his 'monkey', even about this particular waiter, about budget constraint, about being a cheapskate .. all along he was there, understanding each and every word we said!!
Friday, May 04, 2007
From JP Morgan
the run was okay. just like last year, it was raining prior to the run. the difference is that this time around it totally stopped and we didn't run under the drizzling rain. due to some construction going on, the had to divided the road into two and it gets cram and stuffy. furthermore so many people walked and they kinda blocked the way for the runners. so many times i had to jog on the spot 'cos i couldn't move at all. sometimes the 'excuse me' was ignored as well. anyways, more participant from the firm this year. not many 'eye catching' view compared to last year even when our tent is next to the RBS. well, guess most of them aged already or too busy with work. i did saw someone that looks like jamie cullum, though. it was pretty weird that they didn't have the time at the starting point so i really didn't know how i did. around 40ish minutes i guess. surprisingly it was easy for me, but then again i did jog on the spot more than 5 times. the rain made padang muddy again so after queueing for the t-shirt, we went back to the office with our legs covered in mud. washed our shoes, our leg then we went home straight. luckily people still want to stand around me in the train. it shows that i don't stink!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Hopelessly Devouted to You ...
i just received an email from one of the staff here. basically a farewell email marking the end of his 2 years with the firm. it came as a surprise 'cos the last time i met him we were actually talking about the jobs handled by his department. a nice guy, and i am actually quite impressed with him. there was once i met him when i was out with friends. he stopped to say hi and ended up buying me a drink, and what impressed us was that he remembers i don't take alcohol!. it's rare to find this kind of local bloke, eh. hehe, how come i ended up talking about him? anyways, it was good of him to move on to something better i'm pretty sure of it. it's just that often i wonder, i know its too late for that but i can't help myself - how can i be in the same place for almost a decade????
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
A Se
i can't wait to go home today just to continue watching meteor garden. ya ya ya, meteor garden again. it all started from the monday run. i forced myself not to stop in between and i managed to complete it faster than normal. it's been months since our last run. yikes, even the starhub dog (a jack russel?) ran faster than me. had dinner after the run. nice dinner. nice time spent with hp and we talked a lot about financial. well it changed few short term plans in my mind for sure. for a better and more secured future, i hope. woke up feeling like my whole body was torn apart. first time i felt soreness in my abs after a run. forced myself to the gym as i kinda promised to attend pump where my ex-trainer is team teaching. my theory is proved right this time. the mrt always conspires against me when i'm already late. i ended up in raffles 2 minutes prior the class that i rushed partly running, partly walking to the gym. again another conspiracy. the escalator at oub centre was not working so i decided to make a turn and went home instead. went to the library only to realised its public holiday, hence its closed. 3 times the lucky, right? just when i reached home my friend texted asking me out for a movie. yeah right, definitely not heading back to city when i just came from there. alas, after few hours of contemplation, i spent the rest of the evening watching meteor garden. 6 disc done, 13 more disc to go ...
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