Thursday, May 10, 2007

Beware Your Surroundings

during dinner last night :-

wj: mau makan apa luh? mahal mahal booo
me: gak tau nih
waiter(w): would you like to get a beer first?
wj&me: no!!
me: padahal orang kesini emang buat birnya ya, hehe
w: okay, so maybe i could get the drinks for you first?
wj: ice tea for me
me: light pepsi please

*signaling the waiter to come again

wj: can i have a fish&chips, please .. kids meal
me: curang luh, masa' kids meal .. lupakan diet lah
wj: lu gak liat harganya! 1/3 lebih murah bo, gue kan lagi pengetatan
me: dasar luh .. can i have a quesadilla please
w: so it's that all?
wj&me: yes .. thanks

*food arrived, eating and chit chatting, waiting for the the birthday girl & her crew

w: do you want to get another glass of pepsi, miss?
me: no thanks i'm fine
w: okay, because it's a free flow
me: no, its okay

*waiter standing around us

me: gue pikir bayar, ogah gue kalau bayar $7 lagi cuman buat ini padahal entar juga bakalan minum lagi kan
wj: hehe, iya sih. mana entar pasti bayar kita karena bukan alkohol minumnya
me: rugi bandar emang kita, tapi ya udah lah ...

*chm and the rest arrived, ordered dinner, spent time chit chatting
*signalling the waiter

me: now i think i want to have another glass of pepsi *smiling
w: sure, like i said you can refill as many times as you want
me: thanks

*waiter came with a glass of pepsi

me: thanks
w: by the way, are you two indonesians?
wj&me: yes
w: saya juga orang indonesia nih
wj&me: oh ya?

*chit chated awhile and then the waiter left

we can only looked at each other and laughed - imagined all the conversations we had about the food, about the people around us, about the cute caucasian who was of course with his 'monkey', even about this particular waiter, about budget constraint, about being a cheapskate .. all along he was there, understanding each and every word we said!!

1 comment:

juwi said...

Hohohoho..jadi ini, detailnya dari yang lu cerita kemaren? Hihihihi...