i love doing impromptu stuff 'cos sometimes the outcome makes me happy. just like yesterday. juwi was in-transit here and eventhough she had to go back to the airport at 6.30 i managed to catch up with her for 1/2 hour (juw, don't forget my order ya!!). in the afternoon me and few friends decided to try the new indonesian food place and i spent time calling lucky plaza for the number of that stall after no answer from the mailing list (i got it this morning though). really appreciate the effort taken by the management who went down personally to the place and get them to call me back. after saying goodbyes with juwi i walked down to orchard. since i was in suntec i decided to walk along middle road, finding out the exact location of the place i so looking forward to try one day in the near future. met the others and we started our dinner. food was okay but the chilli was incredibly spicy. one of my friend just texted me saying that she's having a stomach ache due to the chilli she consumed yesterday. poor girl. somehow we ended up in cathay and decided to catch a movie. tickets were sold out and we contemplated on waiting for the next session which was 11.45! we then decided to walk to lido to see if we can get a ticket there. we did!! i so love the movie and i plan to get the dvd. result of doing things impromptu? priceless
Hehehe...oke, Bab. Pesanan sudah dicatat dan diresapi. Masalah sukses apa nggaknya kan laen soal ;-).
sip sip ..
jgn lupa daftar itu & coba transit disini lagi yee *nginep, nginep* :D
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