Friday, December 01, 2006

when there's (still) time to change ...

my uni friend. roommates. smart. beautiful (very!). cheerful. bubbly. religious. everything seems to work fine for her but deep inside, just like everyone else, there's always a trouble in paradise. how did she face all her troubles? closer to God. patience. never surrender. what happens to her now? happy. married. family. Hajj soon.
i remember the days when we were roommates. a very influential roommate, though at times i was bored with her kindness. let's see - she'd make sure i did all my prayers and woke me up if i fell asleep before doing it. she'd make sure i woke up for my morning prayer even when she's not praying. not only that, she'd woke me up again just to ask if i had done it. at times i was annoyed, with the fact of she waking me up just to ask simple questions. when she's not fasting she'd make sure i woke up for the morning meal, she knew very well how alarm didn't work for me at times. she's like a mom i had away from home. she is one good person. look what life has bring her.
me? all i could think of now is - when to watch this movie, when to try that food, what book to read next. prayer? i could just prioritise my work instead of leaving it simply to go down for 5 mins. sometimes i had to rush it just so that i wouldn't skip it. sometimes i skipped it as i was to darn busy with work. wonder when God give me something good, will i be too busy to accept it? mom always said that she noticed i am no longer the person she used to know. someone who attended religious class. someone who prioritise her prayers. someone who recite Qur'an almost everyday. her question would be 'what has happen to you?'. a question that always brought tears to my eyes. she is right. what happen to me? i keep on saying i got to get back on track but there's always an excuse for me. i stopped my religious class. i no longer recite Qur'an regularly. i haven't even re-pay my fasting when everyone back home is done with it!
i look at my friend and look at myself and all i can say is that i am the only one responsible for the person i become. i hope she goes to hajj and come back safely, fulfilling all her dreams on visiting the house of God. and i surely will try to be a better person.

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