Thursday, January 05, 2006

I am a good landlord - well not really a landlord, but assisting my mum in this area. Why? I never asked for additional fee for electricity/water when my flatmates brought her friends home, I am not fussy in them putting their stuff in the store room, kitchen n shoe cabinet, I never said no to them entertaining their friends in the living room.
My friend's having problem with their flatmate .. FLATMATE!! not even the owner of the house. Just because her mom was here for few days, she has to pay $10/day for it when her mom doesn't even on the aircon when she's home alone nor her mom shower with warm water. In fact her mom helped washing their plates. They should've just settle with my friend paying the additional cost in electricity and water by comparing it with last month's bill. But no, they want more which I think its not rational at all. Another friend also said that she encountered the same when her mom visited her for a mere 2 days. The reason given was that they shouldn't be taking advantage of allowing their parent(s) to visit without paying anything. This in addition to they're not supposed to use any part of the home without permission, can only wash clothes twice a week, and no storing stuff out of the room. That's bad! Compared to what's happenning in my place? That's awful!!

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