its been a great trip home, well it has always been actually.
was supposed to be doing rafting with the girls during weekend but dad scolded my sis who gave us the info and she called asking me not to go. dad gave the permission eventually, half-heartedly as well. so i decided to obey my parents and backed out. we ended up doing a road trip, which i think was great as well since we're doing it all by ourselves - no strangers sharing the same car with us. still, thanks girls!!
had a marvellous time with the girls, instead of doing paragliding as what we (at least i) had in mind, we ended up laughing at the guy who spent more than 30mins flying around (its either he has not learn how to land or he's trying to get a connection to call someone for help or maybe even his GPRS ain't working), commenting on the guy who's as white as ghost waiting for his first flying experience, celebrity spotting *only one actually* and after awhile we decided to ask. too bad we had no time left and not enough cash as well. we decided to go back the following day (not sure if the girls were keen with this actually) but that too was cancelled as we did the safari trek that lasted for few hours. did the night safari, where all our plan went haywired when we're called to board the bus and safari trek the following day. great food, great weather, great catch up with my two lovely besties back home. been awhile since we did something together, the last one was in 2001 when we went to bali together.
other than that, i spent most of my time with my nieces, nephew and family. the ritual of visiting the elders was also there, mum would kill me if i said no to this anyway. my nephew is getting wittier and he left me speechless few times. he did his own banking while we're asked to sit and wait for him (!!), he knew how to operate my camera and recorded something that is a good laugh for his sister. after asking my age, he asked me why i have no baby now that i'm 34. God knows what other questions he has in mind the next time i meet him. my 1st niece is adorable as ever, instead of calling me chala baby she called me chala chala. chubby kiddo with a cute voice and laughter. my sister's bangles attracted her more than her own tea set i got her. girls will always be girls, eh. my younger niece is getting bigger as well, protesting if i watched tv instead of flicking to other channel in search for some advertisement for her. i'm sure they will all grow up to be some mischivieous kids thanks to my nephew who's kinda like their leader.
had a hot stone massage, a creambath and loads of food. raiding my sister's room in search of movies i haven't watch. and a deep meaningful comment from my sister when i shared with her about the couple i met in kinabalu. she may not be aware but what she said still lingers in my mind.
a short yet sweet break that made me promise myself to be a better person for those people close to my heart.