i've been hearing a lot of raves on this movie and after watching it myself, i understand why. very good story line, it hits right to the core of what's happenning in the society out there. though the movie talked about racism between the white american and black american, i believe the message also applies to all other sort of racism - gender, color, religion, everthing. great performance by edward norton as well. to be honest i don't think i ever pay attention to any of his movie so seeing him here kinda make me realised he's one of the good actor out there. though it has quite a surprising ending, i love the quote at the end of the movie - we're all friends not enemies.
all rise for an outstanding performance of christian bale in this movie. i knew he lost loads of weight to get into character in this movie but it's still made me feel kinda scary seeing how skinny he was in that movie. a dedicated actor indeed. story wise, interesting and it just build my curiosity 'cos you *at least i* wouldn't have guess what's really happenning up 'til the end of the movie. the sound effect just added to the anticipation. i agree that guilty - if not faced - will only bring sufferring. worth watching!alrighty, i'm totally movie overloaded this weekend.
pic. courtesy of imdb.com
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