Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Malorys

first, its regina (and nicholas). then my favourite, james (and georgina). followed by anthony (and roslynn). then amy (and warren). or was it derek (and kelsey) first? well for sure it's jason (and mollie) and the family history next. joined by drew (and gabrielle). hmm, i might get the order wrong there. then there's jeremy (and danette). and now its katey (and boyd). the malorys can never ever disappoint me. the best family you can ever find in the fictional world - rugged, scandalous, witty, but loving - hurt one, face everyone. hail to ms. lindsey for creating this wonderful family. and my sister for introducing her books to me.
hmmm, i wonder who will it be next? jack i hope. can't wait to see james reaction when his little girl is all grown up.


juwi said...

Jeremy dan Dani duluan kayaknya, Bab. Hehehe..dasar lu..masih ada, ya, ternyata sambungannya? Drew itu sebenernya udah bukan Malory lagi, kan? Dia abangnya si Georgina kan? Boyd juga, ya? Gue blom baca kalo yang Drew dan Boyd ini.

Simply Baby said...

jeremy duluan dibanding siapa?
hmm, ini jeremy anaknya anthony kan yg kita omongin.

yupe .. tp kan anderson-malory udah *akur* hahahaha.

and you're in for a suprise di boyd-katey ini. no spoiler, read for urself ;)

juwi said...

Iya, Jeremy dibanding Drew (kayaknya, lho). Jeremy anaknya James, pan.

Yang Drew aja blom baca. Ntu dulu ah, baru yang Boyd.

Simply Baby said...

iya jeremy anaknya james
keke, salah nulis.

dipikiran gue lagi anaknya si tony sih ;)

rasanya pengen baca ulang deh semuanya haha