Earl won a lottery and withink a split second *well not really, but this sounds better* he was hit by a car, lost his ticket, hospitalised, and his wife divorced him. back home he watched TV and learned about something called karma, what goes around comes around. so he listed all his bad behaviour and went out in the pursuit of fixing all the problem he had caused people. nothing special indeed. but if only everyone follows earl's path, wouldn't this world be a better place to live in?of course, it would be impossible to list all the bad things you do and go out to fix them. but it's not impossible to start doing things right. clear your mind, clear your heart of any envious feeling. just be happy with what you have but still follow your dreams. with that kind of thought i reached the office only to find a big bag on my desk. a box of chocolates and few mangoes from one of my colleague - a pressie for my day which is still days away. then my uncle - someone i am not close to back home - just texted me wishing me happiness. sweet
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