Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Random Thoughts

been awhile eh. well, blog for me is to express my thoughts, feelings, anger, restlessness, everything! so sometimes i will end up writing about those un-important things, just like now. but still i hope i will continue writing here so that one day in the future i can look back and remember my life, the ups and downs, the un-important things i do, the useless or not so useless thoughts of mine and laugh about it. its definitely something priceless for me. oh well ...
finally i'm going for a level-1 rock climbing course. once done, they will issue a certificate that is recognised by singapore mountaineering or something like that. not sure if this means we can start doing some rockclimbing outside, though. but still i'm excited and can't wait for saturday to come. this 5 hours course will surely give me muscles soreness, especially that it's been a while since i do proper weight training. preparing myself for a stiff muscles, i've declined the meetups a friend organised in the evening. better be safe than sorry, eh.
it's lunch time and i still have no idea what to eat. part of me wants to ask someone out for lunch but another part of me wants to have a quality time with myself. i might end up with walking around and pack lunch. see, now my neighbour is echoing my earlier question 'what to eat, ya?' well, 6 minutes pass our lunch time now - still not sure what's for lunch...

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