Monday, March 12, 2007

purpose of life

only those who find life find treasure - paulo coelho

the day mom went home, andres passed away.
next week switch is heading to ireland for a year of scholarship.
and now ally has moved to hongkong and will be there for 2 years at least.
me? still stuck in this red dot island for God knows how long. last night, the plane was empty *well, reckon people are scared to fly garuda for the time being* so i moved to the seat by the window, looking at the darkness outside while my minds busy with a lot of thoughts.
i used to wonder about friends who went through certain stuff in order to find their purpose of life. and you know what? i think i'm beginning to be like them. is this what i want to do for the rest of my life? lots of thoughts remain unanswered. well for now i'll just follow wherever the wind blows. err.. actually for now i have to get back to clearing the 900ish email in my office mail. sorry folks, all non-work related will be sent directly to trash...

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