Monday, February 12, 2007

8 is the new 10!

i've been hearing a lot of comments on my current weight - from work mates, friends, gym members, families. i've started to get back to my normal gym routine since last week. i even did my own weight training on friday and it was not bad. i just need to build more courage and pick up what i'd been doing during my training time. so last friday, on my way home i met one of the lady i used to meet in morning class. she tapped my shoulder, assess me before commenting on how big i am now. of course the 'you used to be slim, what happen to you?' question came next. then during weekends when i meet people i haven't met for quite some time, they too comment that i seems to gain weight, i told them yes - 8 kg. my families were surprise seeing me in skirt and i told them none of the pants can be worn now, you really gain that much? yes - 8 kg. this has been quite a standard question thrown to me for the last few months that i'm immune to them already and the answer came out without any second thought.
so when i woke up late for my morning class today, i decided to do my own training instead of joining the class later. i opened my training book to see what kind of training i should do later considering i did all the major muscles last friday. that was when i realised there's a measurement data at the last page of the book. in the first book i weigh 46.5 kg and 45.7 kg in the second book. well if that's the case i don't gain 8 kg but 10!! snap!

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