Wednesday, December 30, 2015


another last post before the end of the year =D

on the way for my supposedly lunch plan, i realised that some people are just so toxic that you couldn't help but just want to remove them and not see them again - blackrose that is. i don't know why but now i can see all the things i've been warned about clearly. and that makes me added another item to my 2016 to do list - cut toxic people out of my life.

on another note, my savings for that one big dream had to be touched! pretty sad but come to think of it, i am saving more for the long term if i touch it now. and i aim to return it back by Q2 next year.

on yet another note, i need to start building my social network in this new environment. i know my confidence is pretty much low because of my appearance. so come next year - come next week - i will make some effort to boost my confidence AND back to the jogging routine, probably start with some brisk walk first. aim to achieve my goal by my next birthday!

i am tempted to summarize my 2016 goal but i just have this feeling that i will blog again tomorrow, considering how quiet the office is this month! :D

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