Sunday, January 01, 2012


so i started the first day on the new year badly :D
1. i slept as late as 4 am resulted in me waking up late
2. i spent the whole day watching drama online - laundry and some cleaning up in between
3. i ate like there's no tomorrow - noodle, chips, peanuts, diet coke and all

yes i know .. bad bad me
BUT tomorrow i will start a new regime; the reason for my being frumpy today.
and to make myself embarrassed if i didn't achieve what i want to, i'll write it all down here and see how it goes (or even the excuses i make in the future if i disobey them)

1. early morning for early jog - if i miss this i still have to jog at night, but no .. i can't miss it!
2. healthy diet again - cook for breakfast and dinner
3. commitment to exercising 20 days in a row ..

as of today my weight is 64.1 kgs
lets see how it goes 2 weeks from now..

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