Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fantasy Land

i'm getting more and more into korean drama ...

and the problem is that i get too emotionally involved that at times it's too much. yes, that's just acting but wouldn't it be great if that happens in real life.
i told myself that before i have my own love story, i'll just enjoy those love stories.
wrong! a friend pointed out - the more you watch the higher your expectation is. so i have to stop myself from starting another one. i didn't watch it before anyway.

i. have. to. stop!


Anastasia said...


Know exactly what you mean. Korean film is extraordinarily emotional and involving. I used to watch some a while back and never went back - just a bit too much.

Mind, love story need not be a super emotional hurt drama to be just as impressive, emotionally. So you are not necessarily heightening your expectations.



Her and the Boys said...

The more you watch the more you wish. So true. It sounds like you are a hopeless romantic, but aren't we all?

Simply Baby said...

i'm sure there's a hopeless romantic side in each and one of us ...
yeah, no more drama for me *and when i'm really bored i'll just rewatch what i've watched haha*