Monday, February 11, 2008

A Present For Myself

i skipped the morning class again. i reschedule my exam - from end of february to end of april as i am not well-prepared. i have so many things i want to do. things that requires not only time and money, but a certain fitness level as well. and i have break my own record on my weight. i really need to assess myself. i really need to change my habit. pronto!
i am certain that the only way of doing this is to lay low for awhile, if not forever. cutting down on all the unimportant stuff, fine dining and fridays hang out included - not totally but just keep it to the minimum. i have to be firm in saying no instead of giving in to the temptation called foods. i can't do anything to movie though as that is my passion and its like one of my primary needs. as for the rest? all i need now is the willpower to do these but i know i can!!

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