Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Big 'Thanks' To My Beloved Parents

I know that I should be grateful to have the parents I have but I've never been so very grateful of it until yesterday.

A story of my friend made me realise how lucky I am to be brought up this way.
Never in my life have I felt pressured by society though I know some might look at me n think I was old fashion, but I don't feel bad abt that at all.

What I know is that I stay true to myself and whatever I do is still within the bound of my religion and my parents' rules.

I have to admit though, there were times when I felt quite upset with how my parents rules n regulations made my space limited, especially during my teens.

I remember:

Back in secondary school, when my friends are heading to discotheque (Lipstick - I remember the name by heart) and me? straight home please...
I remember my friend asked me to pack my clothes n tell my mum that I'd be going out w/ friends to a mall when actually we planned to head down to Lipstick.
I was up for it - quite excited with the thrill of entering those kind of place - but when I was at home, the thrill is no longer there.

Im more worried abt the consequences of lying to my parents and I ended up calling my friend saying that Im not up for that as my respect for my parents is higher than my curiosity of going to that place.
Yes, she was upset but I felt happier afterwards.

Back in primary school, during our fasting months - some friends will just asked us to have a sip of water as our parents wouldn't be aware of that. Knowing how furious my parents would be when they found out, and especially, remembering their words that God is everywhere with you, I resisted the temptation.

Back in high school, I remember how I was quite annoyed having to call my mum to tell her I'll be home late 'cos my friend's gonna treat us and how my other friend said how lucky I was to have parents that cared for me, whereas her parents wouldn't even asked if she came home late at night.

Looking back to all these, I feel very bless for having a parents who raised me to be who I am today.
Though Im staying in a different country from them, they know all my movements n whereabouts.

Yes I do missed some 'cool' things during my teenage years, but I don't feel any regrets abt that.
I did experience clubbing, outing and stuff like that - but when I did it, I did with like-minded friends, so there's nothing to be worry abt;
furthermore my parents know about all these (yupe, they grumbled but hey, I'd rather they know the real me then finding out abt it from someone else).

Had my parents brought me up the other way, I might not be in front of this machine typing whatever Im typing now , I might not have the money to do the travelling I did, I might not have a chance to enjoy the luxury I can afford now.

So, mum n dad - thanks a lot!!
but trust me, I will still argue w/ you guys once in a while, way of spicing up your life there :)

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