Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Verdict

with a shaky cold sweaty hand i chose the "end exam" button, did the feedback and once its over - my heart pounded faster than ever - i pressed the "end" button....

after failing the first attempt, i decided to take it more serious. a month instead of a week of studying. cutting down my weekend activities - no volleyball, no ubin cycling, no dining, no salsa night, and only 2 movies in june. studying? i wish. i ended up reading 1 sub-chapter followed by watching an episode of satc online. what can i say, the movie tempted me to watch it all over again. the pattern continued until i realised i'm done with 5 seasons of satc but not the study. history might repeat itself.
my last weekend in june is solely for reading. or so i planned. i didn't continue with the 6th season of satc but i played puzzle every now and then - starting from evil puzzle no. 1 and now i'm on the 26th. this is so not good.
last week i attended a talk where i met a lady who advised me on a book she read for the exam preparation. reading the book i began to panic as its approach is totally different from the book i've been reading. it's more hands on and yet i only have few days left. i tried my best, only playing 2 or 3 puzzle this time around.
monday came and there's nothing else i can do apart from hoping for the best. i started questioning myself - can i do it? why did i not study harder? deep down i feel that i can pass the exam but i don't want to think about it, now that i've started to get panic attack for not remembering the sequence from the other book. oh well, at least this time around i've tried harder. if i fail i guess it's just not meant to be. i tried hard to sleep without thinking about anything and rest my fate in the hands of God now.
this morning - arriving 10 mins late, $32ish spent on cab fare, heart beating faster than a speeding bullet (yeah, i'm attempting a joke) wondering why the ladies loo have that standing thingy only to realised that i went to the gents loo when i was done. and once called i went in and started the exam as calm as i could.

the result was shown on the screen. i couldn't help but having tears in my eyes - i passed the certification exam.


juwi said...

Congratulasyong, dooong!

Simply Baby said...

tengkyu yaaa doooonggg :D