Saturday, June 07, 2008

On Life and Death

i was with a friend this afternoon when i realised i had 3 missed calls and 2 new messages, all from my aunts. thought it's about the 40 days prayer for a relative that i thought of skipping or probably come late, i called one of them back. i was so surprised to hear the news, my cousin passed away. i continued on having lunch with my friend and went home afterwards to change my clothes before heading to my cousin's. they're burying him after the asar prayer, hence the more reason for me to hurry down. he's my uncle's son from dad's side and mom's cousin, a very close cousin of mine indeed. i reached there just in time to see his body. relatives were spreading pacar around him and i squeezed my way through. i know i should be spreading some as well but i came late so i just stood there to have a last close look on him. he looks very peaceful. i saw his wife, his sisters, his mother and his four young sons around him. they looked strong. managed to dig out the story. apparently he died in his sleep and his wife only realised 4 hours after he's gone when she accidentally brushed his legs.
i could see tears in the eldest's eyes when a man hugged him advising him not to stop praying for his dad so that he'll be peaceful in his new world. i looked at the wife and kids when the man handling the corpse asked if they'd let him go sincerely before covering his face and body. i couldn't imagine how my aunt feel with her son leaving before her, i'm sure that is definitely every mothers nightmare.
life wealth marriage death is God's greatest secret. you never know when any of them will come knocking on your door, we just have to be prepared 24/7. i cant help but think of myself. imagine if death comes to me the same way and i miss my morning prayer that day...


juwi said...

Nggak sakit nggak apa, Bab? Sedih juga ya, buat yang ditinggal. Nggak ada pesen apa-apa gitu.

Simply Baby said...

itu dia ..
kalau gak salah malamnya dia ajak istrinya nonton bola, istrinya ogah en ngomel dia nonton bola mulu!
kasian anak2nya masih kecil2 ...