Thursday, January 07, 2010

First for the year ..

HAPPY 2010, everyone!

not that it's any difference from any other day but people normally want to start anew, afresh with the new digits. i personally have no resolution, well that is if you don't say "not to have any resolution" is a resolution by itself ;)

anyways, just taking a few mins break from work - invading people's privacy can be darn tiring especially when you have like 37Kish email to read within 2 weeks time *faint*. and i heard more than a million is coming soon, gosh! seems like we're stuck in this freezer until june. i hope against the mother of all hopes that the other engagement starts soon; i am not doing my main role here. and when there's nothing else, i'd be here all the time. my indirect boss is waiting for me to be release from here so that i could start all sorts of reading etc haha, i'll give him a shock when i update him next week. i'm still trying to understand how things work here. yes i've been told that at times we're doing everything but i actually hope to learn the technology aspects more whenever i have spare time, but it seems like i can't run from this project :\ oh well, i'm gonna put all this in my mid year review that's for sure ...

on another note, 2010 huh. how time flies whether or not you're having fun. but nah, life is too short to dwell in the negative aspect of anything. i hope to achieve more this year - be it mentally or spiritually. i seriously want to be a better person in the eyes of God, an obedient daughter, a better friend and of course leading a healthier lifestyle! yeah right, 2nd week of january and i've only hit the gym once! body is still aching from tuesday's pump but seriously need to push myself harder man.

that aside, i hope to cover more places too this year. might be a bit harder with how things work in this new role, but never try never know. and this leads to another thing - money money money!!. let's save more diligently this year, shall we?

ok then, time's up. better get back to work. oh and you know what, it might be a new year but i'm still having the same songs playing on my MP3 - all from the same singer, JGS *die*.


juwi said...

JGS siapa, Bab? Bukan penyanyi Korea atau Jepang gitu, kan? Hehehe...

Simply Baby said...

oooopppssss :P

yol said...

hidup JGS!