Saturday, October 14, 2006

food, glorious food...

watched a show in channel 5 last night, where they talked about food with one celebrity guest star. yesterday the guest was a muslim so i watched it simply to get more good food here that i can eat. i know for sure that i won't have trouble thinking of where to go for dinner when it's my turn to decide after the monday run. the nasi lemak at fong seng (??) really pick my interest, as well as the fish&chips at greenvale. browsed the net to get more info on this and was glad that i found an interesting site.


Anonymous said...

Ini show yang kemarin si Fiona Xie sama penyiar acara Selamat Pagi Singapura di Suria itu yah.. duh siapa tuh namanya... *lupa* :)

Simply Baby said...

khairudin saharom namanya