Thursday, January 13, 2011


the more you compare yourself with others, the more down you'll be. someone is definitely prettier than you, luckier than you. BUT someone out there is also not as lucky as you. if you miss the boat because you're not as pretty as the other person, or lose the chance because you're not as lucky as the other people, what can you do: mourn like there's no other tomorrow until you fall into depression? nah, mourn and move on! something better is waiting for you. afterall, beauty is in the eye of the beholder ...
the key to happinness is one and only one: contentment ...

Sunday, January 09, 2011


i'm taking the closed wall as a sign from the above. today is the last day for peeking. let the next two months be the practice period and come march, the turning point ... zip! my turn to close. and on the 1st *anniversary* ... shutdown!
now baby, make yourself proud ...

Friday, January 07, 2011


acomodador is the giving-up point. the event in out life that is responsible for us failing to progress. one should go beyond this point, to find the acomodador and work on it in order to conquer your own obsession.
my acomodador? a lot! though i can't really point out any, i know i have some ...
i guess the important thing is to be honest with yourself and to work on it?
so, what is yours?
*acomodador is a concept introduced by coelho in his book, the zahir.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Working on My Zahir

in order to lessen the power, i have to stop peeking at everything surrounding it - the people, the activities, the comments, everything.
let's start it now ...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


it was all good, so so good after reading the book. its about obsession. its about letting go. its about having peace with yourself, acknowledging the fact that sometimes you intrepret pride as love/caring/what-have-yous. that sometimes you just to accept things as the way they are. everything has its own time and place, we just have to wait and in the meantime, enjoy the present and not let that obsession (zahir) interferes with your life.
i'm having the peace. i'm having peace with myself.
and then it happened ...
that stooooopid message. i was annoyed. i controlled myself. and i kinda won the battle. at least i thought so. until now, little by little it's creeping again. i have to win this battle against myself.
and then the book said 'every story needs to reach its end' ...